
Monday, 11 December 2017

                                       Wolf Mist
         This plant was first discovered in a misty forest it
         2017. Every second night this mist covers the tree
      and creates a frosty egg. In the morning the egg will
          Wobble and fall off the tree and SMASH and a little
  Wolf put will come out of the smashed egg. The tree grow Meters long  every second night. The owner of the tree can tell the wolf  
                   Who to eat and who not to eat.

Name- Wolf Mist

Price- 1.000.000

Grows- Wolf’s

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

kaitiaki goals

Kia-ora my name is Max. My goal for term four is not to get distracted from other people when they want to play or talk. What is your goal?

Friday, 9 June 2017

I am from a glass kiwi

from my teddy and blanket

I am from jumping out of a window

and bouncing on my tramp

I am from the tree we put a tire swing in

whose the tree what looks like a pineapple

from Rachelle and Andrew

I am from muffins and brownie

I am from getting locked in a bedroom

I am from those  moments a glass kiwi

Friday, 5 May 2017


Hi "Im Max"   One day I was at school sitting at my desk writing a book called THE BIG FIGHT. Suddenly a dragon smashed through the window and tried to chew on me with  his razor sharp teeth with blood all over. Then .........Pow!!!. Hulk came flying out of the sky  and punched the dragon right in the snout beating the dragon up. Till........Rapunzel came jumping out of the tree and wrapped her hair around Hulks muscle  and pulled piddle piddle piddle piddle. All of a sudden Hulks muscles popped. Super girl jumped of the roof and pulled  all of Rapunzel's hair out. Iron man said ''that's my girl''. I was sitting at the desk with my jaw dropped out to the ground. Then that's when it all began. Pow boom crash splash! !!!!!!!!. All these things happening then .......... Maximus came back fighting and saved the day and I lived happily ever after.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

One time I met a lovely humpback whale she was diving splashing, gosh I love the sea. 
I love the sea because it's blue. 
It has beautiful things inside, like this stunning creature. 
I wish I could just dive in and hug her, but then I heard a voice say "Do it do it now before it is to late." So I did. 
It was amazing hugging a whale. 
I hopped back in the boat and got dry and went home. 
Thanks for reading.   

Monday, 6 March 2017

All about me

Ko Takitima te waka

Ko Kahuranaki ternaunga

Ko Ngaruroro te awa

Ko Ngati Kahungunu te iwi

Ko Ngati Hinemanu te hapu

Ko Omahu te marae

Ko Rachelle toku mama

Ko Andrew toku matua

Ko Max toku ingoa

I have short blond hair and baby blue eyes and tanned skin.

I like doing sports in the sun and art.
I am a boy
I wonder what happens when people die    
I hear the wind blowing
I see the moon shining at night
I want a hoverboard

I am kind
I pretend that everything's ok
I feel the fresh breeze
I touch the morning rize
I worry about my dog

I am friendly
I understand everyone
I say love you to my mum
I try hard things
I hope my family doesn't crumble down  

I am  Max