
Monday, 6 March 2017

All about me

Ko Takitima te waka

Ko Kahuranaki ternaunga

Ko Ngaruroro te awa

Ko Ngati Kahungunu te iwi

Ko Ngati Hinemanu te hapu

Ko Omahu te marae

Ko Rachelle toku mama

Ko Andrew toku matua

Ko Max toku ingoa

I have short blond hair and baby blue eyes and tanned skin.

I like doing sports in the sun and art.
I am a boy
I wonder what happens when people die    
I hear the wind blowing
I see the moon shining at night
I want a hoverboard

I am kind
I pretend that everything's ok
I feel the fresh breeze
I touch the morning rize
I worry about my dog

I am friendly
I understand everyone
I say love you to my mum
I try hard things
I hope my family doesn't crumble down  

I am  Max